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Sivun "Z23" versielöin eroloi

On otettu Wikifunctions-späi
0xDeadbeef (pagin | kohendukset)
some more type theoric aliases
+ PL labels
Rivi 21: Rivi 21:
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K2": "Nothing"
"Z11K2": "Nothing"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1025",
"Z11K2": "Nic"
Rivi 49: Rivi 54:
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K2": "No instances of this are allowed."
"Z11K2": "No instances of this are allowed."
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1025",
"Z11K2": "Nie istnieje żadna instancja tego typu."

Versii 6. Elokuuta 2023 kello 14.09

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