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Defréncias antre las eidiçones de "Z17249"

De Wikifunctions
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(Hai 3 rebisones antermédias de 2 outelizadores que nun stan a ser apersentadas)
Lhinha 21: Lhinha 21:
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K2": "first integer"
"Z11K2": "first integer"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1011",
"Z11K2": "প্রথম পূর্ণ সংখ্যা"
Lhinha 37: Lhinha 42:
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K2": "second integer"
"Z11K2": "second integer"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1011",
"Z11K2": "দ্বিতীয় পূর্ণ সংখ্যা"
Lhinha 47: Lhinha 57:
"Z8K4": [
"Z8K4": [
"Z8K5": "Z17249"
"Z8K5": "Z17249"
Lhinha 64: Lhinha 75:
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K2": "integers have the same sign"
"Z11K2": "integers have the same sign"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1011",
"Z11K2": "পূর্ণসংখ্যার একই চিহ্ন"
Lhinha 77: Lhinha 93:
"same sign"
"same sign"
"Z1K1": "Z31",
"Z31K1": "Z1011",
"Z31K2": [
"পূর্ণ সংখ্যার চিহ্নের সমতা"
Lhinha 89: Lhinha 113:
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K2": "true if the two integers have the same sign"
"Z11K2": "true if the two integers have the same sign"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1011",
"Z11K2": "সত্য প্রদান করবে যদি দুটো পূর্ণ সংখ্যার একই চিহ্ন থাকে।"

Eidiçon cumo la de 07h04min de 26 de júnio de 2024

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