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Z16133: Diferenza intra i version.

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Nissun riassont de la modifega
(2 revision intermedie de l'istess utent minga mostrad)
Riga 7: Riga 7:
"Z2K2": {
"Z2K2": {
"Z1K1": "Z46",
"Z1K1": "Z46",
"Z46K1": "Z13531",
"Z46K1": "Z16133",
"Z46K2": "Z16098",
"Z46K2": "Z16098",
"Z46K3": {
"Z46K3": {
"Z1K1": "Z16",
"Z1K1": "Z16",
"Z16K1": "Z610",
"Z16K1": "Z610",
"Z16K2": "def Z0( Z0K1 ):\n\tx = Z0K1['Z16098K1']\n\tif !isinstance(x, str):\n\t\tx = x['Z9K1']\n\treturn {\n\t\t'Z16101': 1,\n\t\t'Z16102': 2,\n\t\t'Z16103': 3,\n\t\t'Z16104': 4,\n\t\t'Z16105': 5,\n\t\t'Z16106': 6,\n\t\t'Z16107': 7,\n\t\t'Z16108': 8,\n\t\t'Z16109': 9,\n\t\t'Z16110': 10,\n\t\t'Z16111': 11,\n\t\t'Z16112': 12\n\t}[x]\n\t\t"
"Z16K2": "def Z16133( Z16133K1 ):\n\tx = Z16133K1['Z16098K1']\n\tif not isinstance(x, str):\n\t\tif x.get('Z16098K1') is not None:\n\t\t\tx = x['Z16098K1']\n\t\tif x.get('Z9K1') is not None:\n\t\t\tx = x['Z9K1']\n\tif not isinstance(x, str):\n\t\tif x.get('Z16098K1') is not None:\n\t\t\tx = x['Z16098K1']\n\t\tif x.get('Z9K1') is not None:\n\t\t\tx = x['Z9K1']\n\tresult = {\n\t\t'Z16101': 1,\n\t\t'Z16102': 2,\n\t\t'Z16103': 3,\n\t\t'Z16104': 4,\n\t\t'Z16105': 5,\n\t\t'Z16106': 6,\n\t\t'Z16107': 7,\n\t\t'Z16108': 8,\n\t\t'Z16109': 9,\n\t\t'Z16110': 10,\n\t\t'Z16111': 11,\n\t\t'Z16112': 12\n\t}.get(x)\n\tif result is None:\n\t\traise Exception('not a month')\n\treturn result\n\t\t"
"Z46K4": "int"
"Z46K4": "int"
Riga 23: Riga 23:
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K2": "Gregorian calendar month to Python number"
"Z11K2": "Gregorian calendar month to Python int"

Version corenta de 20:48, 16 masg 2024

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