Zumbe a 'u condenute

Z13091: Differenze 'mbrà revisiune

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Converting reference to programming language to use an ID
(2 revisiune de mmienze da 'n'otre utende non g'avènene fatte vedè)
Linea 10: Linea 10:
"Z14K3": {
"Z14K3": {
"Z1K1": "Z16",
"Z1K1": "Z16",
"Z16K1": {
"Z16K1": "Z610",
"Z16K2": "def Z13087(Z13087K1):\n\timport re\n\tlemma = Z13087K1.lower()\n\tform = lemma + 'ing'\n\tif re.search(r'[aeiou]c$', lemma):\n\t\tform = lemma + 'k' + 'ing'\n\tif re.search(r'[aeiou][bdfgkmnprstvz]$', lemma) \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[aeiou][aeiou][bdfgkmnprstvz]$', lemma):\n\t\tform = lemma + lemma[-1] + 'ing'\n\tif lemma.endswith('ie') :\n\t\tform = lemma[:-2] + 'ying' # Very few exceptions like \"boogieing\" \n\tif lemma.endswith('e') \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[éeioy]e$', lemma) \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[cg][cg]e$', lemma) \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz][bdfjkmnpqrstvwxz]e$', lemma):\n\t\tform = lemma[:-1]+ 'ing'\n\treturn form"
"Z1K1": "Z61",
"Z61K1": "python"
"Z16K2": "def Z13087(Z13087K1):\n\timport re\n\tlemma = Z13087K1.lower()\n\tform = lemma + 'ing'\n\tif re.search(r'[aeiou]c$', lemma):\n\t\tform = lemma + 'k' + 'ing'\n\tif re.search(r'[aeiou][bdfgkmnprstvz]$', lemma) \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[aeiou][aeiou][bdfgkmnprstvz]$', lemma):\n\t\tform = lemma + lemma[-1] + 'ing'\n\tif lemma.endswith('ie') :\n\t\tform = lemma[:-2] + 'ying' # Very few exceptions like \"boogieing\" |\n\tif lemma.endswith('e') \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[éeioy]e$', lemma) \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[cg][cg]e$', lemma) \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz][bdfjkmnpqrstvwxz]e$', lemma):\n\t\tform = lemma[:-1]+ 'ing'\n\treturn form"
Linea 41: Linea 38:
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K2": "Double some final consonants, drop final e (generally), mutate final ie to y, and add -ing"
"Z11K2": "Sometimes double some final consonants, drop final e (generally), mutate final ie to y, and add -ing"

Revisiona corrende de 16:17, 22 Màs 2024

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