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Z13091: Perbédaan antara perbaèkan

Deri Wikifunctions
restructure conditions so all tests pass
Converting reference to programming language to use an ID
(8 perbaèkan wasilah kejaan atu pemaké laènnya kaga' dikasi unjuk)
Baris 10: Baris 10:
"Z14K3": {
"Z14K3": {
"Z1K1": "Z16",
"Z1K1": "Z16",
"Z16K1": {
"Z16K1": "Z610",
"Z16K2": "def Z13087(Z13087K1):\n\timport re\n\tlemma = Z13087K1.lower()\n\tform = lemma + 'ing'\n\tif re.search(r'[aeiou]c$', lemma):\n\t\tform = lemma + 'k' + 'ing'\n\tif re.search(r'[aeiou][bdfgkmnprstvz]$', lemma) \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[aeiou][aeiou][bdfgkmnprstvz]$', lemma):\n\t\tform = lemma + lemma[-1] + 'ing'\n\tif lemma.endswith('ie') :\n\t\tform = lemma[:-2] + 'ying' # Very few exceptions like \"boogieing\" \n\tif lemma.endswith('e') \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[éeioy]e$', lemma) \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[cg][cg]e$', lemma) \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz][bdfjkmnpqrstvwxz]e$', lemma):\n\t\tform = lemma[:-1]+ 'ing'\n\treturn form"
"Z1K1": "Z61",
"Z61K1": "python"
"Z16K2": "def Z13087(Z13087K1):\n\timport re\n\tif Z13087K1.endswith('c') \\\n\t\t\tand re.search(r'[aeiou]c$', Z13087K1):\n\t\treturn Z13087K1 + 'k' + 'ing'\n\tif re.search(r'[aeiou][bdfgkmnprstvz]$', Z13087K1) \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[aeiou][aeiou][bdfgkmnprstvz]$', Z13087K1):\n\t\treturn Z13087K1 + Z13087K1[-1] + 'ing'\n\tif Z13087K1.endswith('ie') :\n\t\treturn Z13087K1[:-2] + 'ying'\n\tif Z13087K1.endswith('e') \\\n\t\t\tand not re.search(r'[ei]e$', Z13087K1):\n\t\treturn Z13087K1[:-1]+ 'ing'\n\treturn Z13087K1 + 'ing'"
Baris 37: Baris 34:
"Z1K1": "Z12",
"Z1K1": "Z12",
"Z12K1": [
"Z12K1": [
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K2": "Sometimes double some final consonants, drop final e (generally), mutate final ie to y, and add -ing"

Perbaèkan paling baru sedari 22 Méi 2024 16.17

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