Mine sisu juurde

en contains Z12696
en Function

Läteq: Wikifunctions
Resümee puudub
Removed Z14207 from the approved list of implementations
(näüdädä-äi 6 pruukja 20 vaihõpäälset versiuuni)
Rida 30: Rida 30:
"Z11K1": "Z1014",
"Z11K1": "Z1014",
"Z11K2": "ndepụta: Edepụtara ndepụta ( Ihe )"
"Z11K2": "ndepụta: Edepụtara ndepụta ( Ihe )"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1430",
"Z11K2": "Liste"
Rida 51: Rida 56:
"Z11K1": "Z1014",
"Z11K1": "Z1014",
"Z11K2": "mmewere : ihe"
"Z11K2": "mmewere : ihe"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1430",
"Z11K2": "Element"
Rida 66: Rida 76:
"Z8K4": [
"Z8K4": [
"Z8K5": "Z12696"
"Z8K5": "Z12696"
Rida 88: Rida 101:
"Z11K1": "Z1014",
"Z11K1": "Z1014",
"Z11K2": "nwere"
"Z11K2": "nwere"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1430",
"Z11K2": "enthält"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1013",
"Z11K2": "Akwai"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1827",
"Z11K2": "περιέχει "
Rida 102: Rida 130:
"has the element"
"has the element",
"element in list"
"Z1K1": "Z31",
"Z31K1": "Z1430",
"Z31K2": [
"zählt auf",
"hat das Element"
Rida 120: Rida 159:
"Z11K1": "Z1014",
"Z11K1": "Z1014",
"Z11K2": "lee ma ndepụta onwere ụfọdụ mmewere"
"Z11K2": "lee ma ndepụta onwere ụfọdụ mmewere"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1430",
"Z11K2": "prüft, ob eine Liste ein bestimmtes Element enthält"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1013",
"Z11K2": "Doba ko sunaye yana de wansu ábobowa"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1827",
"Z11K2": "ελέγχει εάν ένας κατάλογος περιέχει ένα συγκεκριμένο στοιχείο"

Viimäne kujo (28. põimukuu 2024, kell 07:01)

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