सामग्री पर जाएँ

en composition of regex replacements testing position relative to spaces (or start/end of strings) Z11493
en Implementation

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(एकेन अन्ययोजकेन क्रितानि २ संस्करणानि न प्रदर्श्यन्ते)
पङ्क्तिः ३१: पङ्क्तिः ३१:
"Z7K1": "Z10000",
"Z7K1": "Z10000",
"Z10000K1": {
"Z10000K1": {
"Z1K1": "Z18",
"Z1K1": "Z7",
"Z18K1": "Z11492K2"
"Z7K1": "Z11461",
"Z11461K1": {
"Z1K1": "Z18",
"Z18K1": "Z11492K2"
"Z10000K2": "$"
"Z10000K2": "$"
पङ्क्तिः ४४: पङ्क्तिः ४८:
"Z1K1": "Z7",
"Z1K1": "Z7",
"Z7K1": "Z10000",
"Z7K1": "Z10000",
"Z10000K1": " ^",
"Z10000K1": "^",
"Z10000K2": {
"Z10000K2": {
"Z1K1": "Z18",
"Z1K1": "Z7",
"Z18K1": "Z11492K2"
"Z7K1": "Z11461",
"Z11461K1": {
"Z1K1": "Z18",
"Z18K1": "Z11492K2"
पङ्क्तिः ५९: पङ्क्तिः ६७:
"Z7K1": "Z10000",
"Z7K1": "Z10000",
"Z10000K1": {
"Z10000K1": {
"Z1K1": "Z18",
"Z1K1": "Z7",
"Z18K1": "Z11492K2"
"Z7K1": "Z11461",
"Z11461K1": {
"Z1K1": "Z18",
"Z18K1": "Z11492K2"
"Z10000K2": " "
"Z10000K2": " "
पङ्क्तिः ७९: पङ्क्तिः ९१:
"Z10000K1": " ",
"Z10000K1": " ",
"Z10000K2": {
"Z10000K2": {
"Z1K1": "Z18",
"Z1K1": "Z7",
"Z18K1": "Z11492K2"
"Z7K1": "Z11461",
"Z11461K1": {
"Z1K1": "Z18",
"Z18K1": "Z11492K2"
पङ्क्तिः १११: पङ्क्तिः १२७:
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K1": "Z1002",
"Z11K2": "composition of regex replacements testing position relative to spaces (or start/end of strings)"
"Z11K2": "composition of regex replacements testing position relative to spaces (or start/end of strings)"
"Z1K1": "Z11",
"Z11K1": "Z1430",
"Z11K2": "ersetze linkes/inneres/rechtes Zeichen als Komposition mit regulären Ausdrücken"

१६:१२, १२ मे २०२४ समयस्य संस्करणम्

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